
How Often To Use Aztec Clay Mash For Oily Skin

Aztec dirt is one of those magical beauty ingredients that really is every bit awesome as everyone claims. And the best part is that this super useful ingredient works with your complexion, no affair what your peel issue is that twenty-four hours, week, calendar month, or season.

It softens my skin when information technology's feeling dry, but it also sucks up excess oil when my skin feels greasy. And it's specially helpful in immigration out pores when I haven't been diligent near face washing (I know, I know). Slap-up for all peel types? Yep!

I was a little blown away past how my complexion looked and felt later my first DIY Aztec clay mask. My skin felt soft, smooth, toned, and even looked glowy. And now I'g totally hooked.

The DIY Aztec Clay Mask That Works For Every Skin Type

What is Aztec clay?

It'southward no wonder that Cleopatra added clay from the Nile river to her beauty ritual. With milk baths and clay masks, Cleopatra was seriously committed to beautiful skin—way ahead of her time. And the fact that she is known for her surpassing beauty, well mayhap we should take a few tips from her.

There are several dissimilar types of clay , but I like bentonite clay considering information technology works for all pare types, hands taking the guesswork out of which clay is best for y'all. The iconic Aztec dirt jar contains 100% natural calcium bentonite clay from Death Valley, California.

Made from volcanic ash, the clay contains over 50 minerals, almost every mineral found on Globe. If you're looking for pure, this is it. But what makes it "the world's almost powerful facial?"

Here's how it works: The molecules in Aztec clay conduct a negative electron charge. The gunk stored in your skin has a positive charge.

So when a dirt mask is applied to the face, all of the impurities—toxins, dead skin cells, grease, leaner, oil—are drawn out of the skin and into the clay. At the aforementioned time, the nourishing minerals from the clay are transferred to your pare. Imagine the clay as a magnet, pulling the toxins and debris out of your pores, while depositing salubrious minerals in return.

Bentonite clay applications have too been shown to have antibacterial furnishings and to aid heal skin lesions—which is probably why it carries the "healing clay" label [ source ].

The DIY Aztec Clay Mask That Works For Every Skin Type

DIY Aztec Clay Mask For Every Skin Type

Before you lot outset mixing up mask recipes, ever remember to utilize glass or wooden bowls and spoons. Metal bowls or utensils volition interfere with the negative charge that's near to do your face so much skillful!

Ane of the simplest and most effective ways to make a DIY Aztec clay mask is to mix equal parts clay with raw apple cider vinegar. Let it sit on your face (or trunk) for xv minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Apply the mask one time or twice a calendar week to keep your skin articulate and smoothen. For a little actress exfoliation, utilise a warm towel or wash textile to gentle remove the mask, revealing softer skin.

And, of course, you can add different ingredients to customize your mask. Here are a few suggestions.

Aztec Clay Mask for Acne

Dirt with activated charcoal will absorb excess oil and help clear out clogged pores. And since the microbiome is now factoring in as an of import influence on acne, probiotic masks are considered a good way to introduce benign bacteria that help foreclose hereafter outbreaks [ source ].

  • one tablespoon Aztec clay
  • 1 tablespoon activated charcoal
  • 1 probiotic capsule
  • two tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 drop essential oil*

Combine activated charcoal and clay powders, along with the probiotic in a small bowl. Add together apple cider vinegar to make a paste. It's okay to utilize more, if needed, to get a smooth, thick paste.

Add together the drop of your chosen essential oil and stir. With clean fingers, spread over the face, fugitive the frail areas effectually the eyes. Let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and utilize your usual moisturizer.

* Essential oils for acne : Tea Tree , Juniper Berry , Lavender , Cedarwood , Lemon , Cypress

Aztec Dirt Mask for Wrinkles

Green tea [ source ] and vitamin C [ source ] both provide powerful antioxidant protection to forestall wrinkles and aging pare past strengthening collagen and repairing complimentary radical harm.

  • i tablespoon Aztec clay
  • 1 vitamin C sheathing
  • ii tablespoons steeped green tea , cooled
  • one driblet essential oil*

Combine dirt and vitamin C powders in a small bowl. Add green tea to make a paste. Information technology's okay to use more, if needed, to get a polish paste.

Add your pick of essential oil and stir. With clean fingers spread over the face and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and use your usual moisturizer.

*Essential oils for wrinkles : Rose , Sandalwood , Helichrysum , Frankincense , Rose Geranium

Aztec Clay Mask for Dry out Skin

Rose hips are not only known to contain potent vitamins and antioxidants, but the seeds carry a large amount of good quality fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory effects and are nourishing when practical to the pare [ source ].

  • 1 tablespoon Aztec dirt
  • 1 tablespoon rose hip seed oil
  • i tablespoon rose water
  • 1 drop essential oil*

Combine clay and oil in a small bowl. Add rose water and stir to make a paste. It'south okay to use more than, if needed, to get a smooth paste.

Add the drib of essential oil and stir. With make clean fingers, spread over your face up and permit sit for xv minutes. Rinse with cool water and utilise your usual moisturizer.

*Essential oils for dry out skin: Geranium , Sandalwood , Palmarosa , Myrrh , Patchouli , Roman Chamomile

Aztec Clay Mask for Oily Skin

Clay provides deep pore cleansing by pulling out impurities and dirt, while witch hazel is an effective astringent that tightens pores as they dry.

  • i tablespoon witch hazel
  • 1 tablespoon Aztec clay
  • 1 drop essential oil*

Combine ingredients and stir until blended. Don't employ metal spoons or bowls to mix.

Apply to skin with clean fingers and leave on for ten minutes. For those with super oily skin types, the mask can be left on for upward to 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm h2o.

*Essential oils for oily skin: Clary sage , Lavander , Peppermint , Tea Tree , Sweet Marjoram

Aztec Clay FAQ

I have the Aztec clay at present, and the container is pretty big, can I use it for anything else?

You can! Dirt is a perfect ingredient to add into a bath salt recipe. The dirt binds to clay and oil in our pores and can aid preclude ingrown hairs as well. Clay reduces inflammation as well, which is ideal for sore muscles or afterward a long day.

Bathroom Salt & Clay Soak

  • ii T epsom table salt
  • 1 T Himalayan Sea Salt
  • 1 t baking soda
  • ane t Aztec Dirt
  • 1 T Olive Oil

Combine all ingredients and stir.

How often can I use a clay mask on my face?

Typically, one to two times a week is great to use a clay mask.

I have sensitive peel, tin I still use the dirt?

Yes, but if you lot are concerned yous can do a pocket-size test patch on the neck area and look for whatever irritation, redness, itching or swelling.

This postal service was medically reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Haley, a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience in medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology. Larn more than about Hello Glow's medical reviewers here . Equally always, this is not personal medical advice, and nosotros recommend that you talk with your doctor.



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